This is another national park in Angola in Cunene province, the park at first was established as a hunting reserve in 1938 and after it was re-established as a national park in 1964 and it covers about 6600km. The park is characterized by mosaic forest-Savannah, woodland and savannah with dry shrubs.
Fauna: Although this park was established in 1964 to protect the Giraffe, it is believed that in 1974, there were none due to the illegal acts from the local people including poaching. The mammals that characterize the park are cahama, lion, leopard and hyena and wild dogs and the mostly surviving mammals in the park that’s the bats.
Birders also enjoy the park due to the various species around including the Wattle Crane, Wren Warbler, Short tailed glossy starling, Miombo tit parus, chestnut-backed sparrow and the pale billed horn bill. Some of the lodges available at the park for accommodation.